Saturday, October 19, 2013

LOVE IS... (Renga)

Shines like a treasure
This feeling I have inside
Ignites my lone nights

Your love is the one I seek
To fill my incomplete heart

This intense feeling
It’s wonderful I could smile
Please hear my request

                                                                                Hear this small voice inside me
This feeling I can’t fathom

Let me love you now
Let me kiss you in the rain
Let I, own your heart

Let me gaze upon your eyes
Let me hear your heart beat mine

  When I think of love
   I remember your sweet stare
   Which looks through my soul

   Your love feeds my hungry heart
   Which keeps me breathing alive.


First stanza by Mary Jerica Pelaez
Second stanza by Glemmar Judilla
Third stanza by Sarah Mae Pepito
Fourth stanza by Estelle Marie Ocampo

Renga, meaning "linked poem," began in Japan to encourage the collaborative composition of poems. Poets worked in pairs or small groups, taking turns composing the alternating three-line and two-line stanzas.

Source of definition:

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